Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock ETF (NYSEARCA:TPHD) Share price down 0.9%

The Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock ETF (NYSEARCA:TPHD – Get Rating) traded down 0.9% during Friday’s session. The company traded as low as $32.86 and last traded at $32.90. 7,665 shares changed hands during the midday session, down 78% from the average session volume of 34,225 shares. The stock previously closed at $33.19.

Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock ETF Equity down 0.9%

The stock’s fifty-day moving average price is $30.54 and its 200-day moving average price is $31.56.

Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock ETF Institutional Trading

Hedge funds have recently increased or reduced their stakes in the company. Envestnet Asset Management Inc. acquired a new stake in Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock ETF in the fourth quarter for a value of approximately $427,000. Commonwealth Equity Services LLC purchased a new stake in Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock ETF in the fourth quarter for a value of approximately $216,000. During the first quarter, Sigma Investment Counselors Inc. purchased a new stake in shares of the Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock ETF worth approximately $352,000. CWM LLC increased its position in Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock ETF shares by 53.0% during the first quarter. CWM LLC now owns 66,024 shares of the company valued at $2,180,000 after purchasing an additional 22,866 shares in the last quarter. Finally, Win Advisors Inc. purchased a new equity stake in Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock ETF during the fourth quarter, valued at approximately $893,000.

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