5 Important Party Wall Tips From Party Wall Surveyors Experts


We all know that party wall procedures can be confusing in certain circumstances, it can happen that non-professionals are faced with ambiguity in decision making.

So let’s go…

We’ll take a look at the 5 Most Useful Party Wall Tips For A Neighbor Homeowner To Follow Before, During, And After Party Wall Procedures.

Hopefully, these party wall tips will help you avoid some of the common and recurring mistakes we often see in the party wall process and allow you to minimize the problems associated with building work.

Tip for the party wall (1):

“Speak to your party wall surveyor as soon as you find out that your neighbor is considering undertaking work on the party wall.”


This will not only ensure that you understand how the Party wall, etc. Law of 1996 applies to your neighbor’s works, but will also dispel any myths or misunderstandings you may have about the law on the party wall.

Most often, Part Wall Act confusion results from owners reading outdated or misinterpreted information.

An experienced party wall surveyor should be able to clear up any confusion you may have.

Tip for the party wall (2):

“Get a second opinion”


It is always a good idea to get a second opinion, the 1996 Party Wall Act etc., like many laws, is subject to interpretation and case law.

This can often be interpreted in different ways by different investigators, getting a second opinion will ensure that you are fully informed of all the facts.

Tip for the party wall (3):

“Don’t assume the building owner will serve the party wall notice!” “


This is one of the most common recurring problems that we see, although the service of a Notice on party wall is a legal requirement, more often than not the owner of the building begins work without having followed the correct procedures for party walls.

Unfortunately, this leaves the neighboring homeowner running out of options, but more importantly, it means their property could be damaged.

If you know that your neighbor is planning to undertake construction on their property, you should speak with them or a party wall surveyor as a first step to make sure they are well aware of their responsibilities when it comes to construction. party walls.

Tip for the party wall (4):

“Discuss the work proposed by the building owner with the building owner before the start of the works”


This will ensure that the adjoining owner is fully informed of the work.

Discussing the work can also lead to revised plans that are mutually beneficial.

After he and the neighboring owner discussed the work, it was agreed that the wall would be built straddling the joining line, thus becoming a party wall.

This revision meant that in the future the joint owner could fence on the wall in order to build their own extension, it meant that the costs of the wall were not only shared but also meant that the two owners would have larger extensions.

Tip for the party wall (5):

“Contact the Party Wall Surveyor as soon as there is a problem on the spot”


If you notice an issue with the building owner’s party wall work during construction, contact the party wall surveyor first.

Party wall surveyors are on board to deal with all issues from minor to major, however large the issue could have greater consequences as the party wall work progresses.

Be a Party wall surveyors, they encourage owners to get in touch with them and make sure there are no unnecessary surprises later and can often avoid a dispute between owners as well.

If you are planning to undertake party wall work or if a neighbor is considering undertaking any construction work, contact party wall experts who will be happy to discuss the Party Wall Act 1996, etc., as well as requirements.

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